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Introducing Assets Pipeline

The styling, scripts, images are called assets.

Managing and loading assets has been a big issue for web designers.

Assets issues

There are a lot of inconvenience when managing assets ourselves, here are the major issues.

  1. Source file on dev; minification files on production.
  2. Separated files for components in dev; one file for HTTP request optimization in production.
  3. Writing preprocessing scripts in dev; requiring HTML/CSS/JS in production.

Asset pipeline solves all the above issues.

And one mode thing, fingerprint in asset pipeline optimizes the assets caching and invalidation.

Asset pipeline optimizes the assets caching and invalidation

For more information on fingerprint, check the rails guide.

Assets location Normally, the assets are located in the app/assets/ folder. By default, JS and CSS files are automatically loaded when inside the app/asstes/javascripts/ and app/assets/stylesheets/ folder.

Image files inside app/assets/images folder can be reference with image_tag:

<%= image_tag  'file_name_here.png' %>

Third party assets can be placed in the app/vendor/assets/ forder. The files here will be correctly loaded.

By default, rails comes with jQuery ready so we do not need to include our own jQuery script.

Note: in older rails version, jQuery is not a default loaded library.

What is preprocessing?

Preprocessing let us write the HTML/CSS/JS code in a higher level. You can think it improves those languane to some points. Leting us writing them easier, faster, less bugs.

For HTML, we have HAML and Slim choices.

For CSS, we have Scss, Less and Stylus.

For JavaScript, we have CoffeeScript.

Managing asset files

The entry point of the assets:

  1. The application.js
  2. The application.css 3. It is an entry point because in each file it includes the other files into the assets.
require name     <-- means include that file.
require_tree .   <-- means include all the files in the current directory.

There is a list of folders the asset pipeline will search. But you still need to call require to import them. Rails doesn’t auto-import asset files except the require_tree.


Actually we can use the file others than the “application” name. Just clone the application.css and .js into a new file and update the asset include name in the views/layout/application.html.erb file.

Note: How about we want to include specific controller assets only?

  1. Remove the require_tree . in the application js and css file.
  2. Use <%= javascript_include_tag params[:controller] %> when needed
  3. or <%= stylesheet_link_tag params[:controller] %> when needed