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Welcome to the Modern Web Design.

📖 Preparating for the course

Welcome to Beginning jQuery course. I’m Thomas Mak (a.k.a. Makzan).

jQuery Course Preparation

You’ll need to have basic HTML and CSS skills to learn jQuery. If you’re new to web design, please read the following link to get started coding basic web page with HTML and CSS.

Building your first web page by Shayhowe

Setting up development environments

Any operation system works fine with this course. We’ll need a modern browser to test the features. Chrome or Safari on Mac works fine.

Then we need text editor to code our web page. Any code editor works. I prefer BBEdit or Atom. But it’s your choice.

For quick experiments, you may use online HTML/JavaScript editors. Here are some of them:

I personally use CodePen a lot. Whenever I have ideas to explore, I create a new pen and start coding the core part of the logic. It’s live preview on devices allows me to test things out easily with only a browser.

For web IDE, I recommend Cloud9 which gives you a browser-based development machine. Besides basic web server for your HTML/JavaScript project, you also get the access to shell and ability to execute any server-side applications, such as Ruby on Rails or Node.JS.

Online references and helps

If you need reference on using the web standards, I recommend checking the Mozilla Developer Network for questions and issues.

Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions and queries. You can reach me by replying this email or find me on twitter (@Makzan).

—Thomas Mak