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📖 Introduction to the Beginning Git course

In this course, we will go through the basic concept of Git version control.

I design this course as a journey of the main character name John. He is an IT manager that manage a team of developers. He is also in charge of deploying the code to the production server.

About Author

I am Thomas Seng Hin Mak, but you may find me on Internet as “Makzan”.

I have been using git version control since 2009. Before moving to git, I used SVN in a game development team. I changed to use git personally and then encouraged the whole team to move to git. Afterwards, I tried different git version control flow in different team, including HTML5 games development, book writing, iOS app development and web projects. I also used different remote repository approaches, such as GitHub, Bitbucket, self-hosted git and Dropbox sync.

Course material status

The book is in first draft stage. That means content is raw and in-edit.

I follow the lean publishing philosophy. We make the book published as soon as it is written. Then we update the book periodically.

You will also find the version status in each chapter.

Version history:

  • 2015-11-23: First draft
  • 2015-12-07: Working on the remote content.
  • 2015-12-28: Write more about merge, rebase, cherry-pick and submodule.

Book reference

This short book provides only the essential techniques to help you get started using git version control. It’s a tips and tricks sharing from my 6 years experience using git.

If you need to reference certain concepts of commands, I recommend reading the Pro Git.

This is the go-to book to learn git. You can also find the reference of git commands on .

Besides the Pro Git book and the official reference, there are some other online resources: